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Brookview Montessori School is truly is a parent-friendly school. Individually and collectively, we benefit from the time, talent, and treasure of numerous parents and friends. On any given day, we see parents in the kitchen baking muffins, assisting a Primary child with reading, conducting a literature circle for Lower Elementary friends, guiding scientific exploration in Upper Elementary, giving a presentation to Middle School students on their work as an accountant, carpenter, or physician, or sharing a presentation on the history of aviation at a Friday morning Community Meeting.

Our children are the primary beneficiaries of these generous acts. Their learning environments are enriched by each one of these efforts. They also witness the values that come from contributing and being a part of the community. Our parents, faculty, and friends benefit as well. We meet like-minded people, deepen friendships, learn new skills, and enjoy enriching experiences.

We are very fortunate to have such dedicated parents and friends. We hope you will join our community and participate in the wide range of activities offered by Brookview Montessori School.

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